NTHU Fall 2024 Admission (Graduate)

# Apply Number Name Department/Institute Degree Admission Status note
1 113FDCHEM0583 Rohit J.B. Department of Chemistry Doctor Degree Accepted
2 113FM1483 Bayu D. Department of Chemistry (Chemistry Division) Master Degree Accepted
3 113FMASTR0596 Thang Q.H. Institute of Astronomy Master Degree Accepted
4 113FDASTR1275 Maraimozhivendhan M. Institute of Astronomy Doctor Degree Accepted
5 113FMASTR1320 Long H.L. Institute of Astronomy Master Degree Accepted
6 113FMASTR1341 Salman A.F. Institute of Astronomy Master Degree Accepted
7 113FMASTR1400 Maria D.L.A.V.D. Institute of Astronomy Master Degree Accepted
8 113FMCHE0166 Michael C.J. Department of Chemical Engineering Master Degree Accepted
9 113FMCHE0403 Nguyen M.N. Department of Chemical Engineering Master Degree Accepted
10 113FMCHE0994 Nhung H.N. Department of Chemical Engineering Master Degree Accepted
11 113FDCHE1004 Gehad s.G. Department of Chemical Engineering Doctor Degree Accepted
12 113FMCHE1334 Chanh H.M. Department of Chemical Engineering Master Degree Accepted
13 113FMCHE1609 Khang N.N. Department of Chemical Engineering Master Degree Accepted
14 113FDCHE1642 Hoang N.T.M. Department of Chemical Engineering Doctor Degree Accepted
15 113FMPME0064 Abdullah M.M.M.A. Department of Power Mechanical Engineering Master Degree Accepted
16 113FMPME1178 Rutuja S.T. Department of Power Mechanical Engineering Master Degree Accepted
17 113FMPME1406 Pratik G.K. Department of Power Mechanical Engineering Master Degree Accepted
18 113FMLSBT1385 Ho N.V.T. Institute of Biotechnology Master Degree Accepted
19 113FMLSBT1338 Man T.N. Institute of Biotechnology Master Degree Accepted
20 113FMLSBT1504 Gustavo A.C.G. Institute of Biotechnology Master Degree Accepted
21 113FMLSMC1386 Ho N.V.T. Institute of Molecular and Cellular Biology Master Degree Accepted
22 113FDLSMC0936 Ponpipat L. Institute of Molecular and Cellular Biology Doctor Degree Accepted
23 113FDLSBS0771 Taimoor H. Institute of Bioinformatics and Structural Biology Doctor Degree Accepted
24 113FDLSBS0795 Parichart J. Institute of Bioinformatics and Structural Biology Doctor Degree Accepted
25 113FDLSBS1482 HUONG D.D. Institute of Bioinformatics and Structural Biology Doctor Degree Accepted
26 113FMLSBS1502 Gustavo A.C.G. Institute of Bioinformatics and Structural Biology Master Degree Accepted
27 113FMLSSN0078 Hussain A. Institute of Systems Neuroscience Master Degree Accepted
28 113FDNES0003 Kah Y.L. Institute of Nuclear Engineering and Science Doctor Degree Accepted
29 113FMNES0165 Arigna R. Institute of Nuclear Engineering and Science Master Degree Accepted
30 113FMCL0720 YI C.L. Department of Chinese Literature Master Degree Accepted
31 113FMESS1614 Ayush B. Department of Engineering and System Science Master Degree Accepted
32 113FDCS0538 Kathryn J.C. Department of Computer Science Doctor Degree Accepted
33 113FMCS0564 Keith N.S. Department of Computer Science Master Degree Accepted
34 113FMCS0803 Gideon L. Department of Computer Science Master Degree Accepted
35 113FMSTAT0152 Tan C.H. Institute of Statistics Master Degree Accepted
36 113FMSTAT0398 Lucine M. Institute of Statistics Master Degree Accepted
37 113FD0717 Noppawee A. Institute of Statistics Doctor Degree Accepted
38 113FMSTAT0842 Kevin K.K. Institute of Statistics Master Degree Accepted
39 113FMNEMS0744 Aniket V.D. Institute of Nanoengineering and Microsystems Master Degree Accepted
40 113FMNEMS1613 Ayush B. Institute of Nanoengineering and Microsystems Master Degree Accepted
41 113FMNEMS1628 Bhushan V.K. Institute of Nanoengineering and Microsystems Master Degree Accepted
42 113FMNEMS1635 Vivek R. Institute of Nanoengineering and Microsystems Master Degree Accepted
43 113FMNEMS1684 V S.R. Institute of Nanoengineering and Microsystems Master Degree Accepted
44 113FDIPT1128 Koji A. Institute of Photonics Technologies Doctor Degree Accepted
45 113FMMS0454 Noppasit T. Department of Materials Science and Engineering Master Degree Accepted
46 113FDMS1697 Tathagata R. Department of Materials Science and Engineering Doctor Degree Accepted
47 113FMCOM0567 Keith N.S. Institute of Communications Engineering Master Degree Accepted
48 113FMCOM0580 Usama B.S. Institute of Communications Engineering Master Degree Accepted
49 113FMCOM1590 Hassan A. Institute of Communications Engineering Master Degree Accepted
50 113FMIEEM0534 Susan E.W. Department of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management Master Degree Accepted
51 113FDIEEM1517 Bayu F. Department of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management Doctor Degree Accepted
52 113FMIBE1046 Jade V.Y.C. Institute of Biomedical Engineering Master Degree Accepted
53 113FMIBE1335 Phuong V.M.N. Institute of Biomedical Engineering Master Degree Accepted
54 113FMIBE1703 Nam D.N. Institute of Biomedical Engineering Master Degree Accepted
55 113FMBMES1198 Uyen T.T.L. Department of Biomedical Engineering and Environmental Sciences Master Degree Accepted
56 113FDBMES1702 SUBHAM D. Department of Biomedical Engineering and Environmental Sciences Doctor Degree Accepted
57 113FMBMES1705 Nam D.N. Department of Biomedical Engineering and Environmental Sciences Master Degree Accepted
58 113FMISA0248 Dang H.K.N. Institute of Information Systems and Applications Master Degree Accepted
59 113FMISA0402 Tadeus F.I.T. Institute of Information Systems and Applications Master Degree Accepted
60 113FMISA0428 Marc F.G.M. Institute of Information Systems and Applications Master Degree Accepted
61 113FDISA0482 Didier F.S.E. Institute of Information Systems and Applications Doctor Degree Accepted
62 113FMISA0553 Louis J.S. Institute of Information Systems and Applications Master Degree Accepted
63 113FMISA0566 Keith N.S. Institute of Information Systems and Applications Master Degree Accepted
64 113FMISA0660 Fernando M. Institute of Information Systems and Applications Master Degree Accepted
65 113FMISA0680 Audrey S. Institute of Information Systems and Applications Master Degree Accepted
66 113FMISA0804 Gideon L. Institute of Information Systems and Applications Master Degree Accepted
67 113FMISA0841 Kevin K.K. Institute of Information Systems and Applications Master Degree Accepted
68 113FMISA0882 Oswin G. Institute of Information Systems and Applications Master Degree Accepted
69 113FDISA1462 Ellis M.R. Institute of Information Systems and Applications Doctor Degree Accepted
70 113FMISA1621 Juventinus B.S. Institute of Information Systems and Applications Master Degree Accepted
71 113FMISA1726 Cais M.W. Institute of Information Systems and Applications Master Degree Accepted
72 113FMLING0173 Leong M.C. Institute of Linguistics Master Degree Accepted
73 113FMLING0397 Lucine M. Institute of Linguistics Master Degree Accepted
74 113FMLING0884 HANBID K. Institute of Linguistics Master Degree Accepted
75 113FDLING1188 Graeme P.M. Institute of Linguistics Doctor Degree Accepted
76 113FDPHYS0852 Rishi R.B. Department of Physics Doctor Degree Accepted
77 113FMPHYS_PP0917 Carlos A.M.L. Department of Physics (Program of Physics) Master Degree Accepted
78 113FMPHYS_PP1463 Maria D.L.A.V.D. Department of Physics (Program of Physics) Master Degree Accepted
79 113FMITLLT0885 HANBID K. Institute of Taiwan Languages and Language Teaching Master Degree Accepted
80 113FMFL_LRT1026 Quan M.D.T. Department of Foreign Languages and Literature (Language Research & Teaching) Master Degree Accepted
81 113FMDAD_MPAEC0957 Muthita W. Department of Arts and Design Master Degree Accepted
82 113FMIMPISA_ICD0006 Suyash S.G. International Master Program in Information Systems and Applications (IMPISA Program-ICDF) Master Degree Waiting list
83 113FMIMPISA_ICD0254 Hoa N.P. International Master Program in Information Systems and Applications (IMPISA Program-ICDF) Master Degree Accepted
84 113FMIMPISA_ICD0272 MOHAMED S.B.M.A. International Master Program in Information Systems and Applications (IMPISA Program-ICDF) Master Degree Accepted
85 113FMIMPISA_ICD0423 Jaime M.H.W. International Master Program in Information Systems and Applications (IMPISA Program-ICDF) Master Degree Accepted
86 113FMIMPISA_ICD0604 Erdenejargal G. International Master Program in Information Systems and Applications (IMPISA Program-ICDF) Master Degree Waiting list
87 113FMIMPISA_ICD0964 ALIAH G.F.Z. International Master Program in Information Systems and Applications (IMPISA Program-ICDF) Master Degree Accepted
88 113FMIMPISA_ICD1242 Thin T.H. International Master Program in Information Systems and Applications (IMPISA Program-ICDF) Master Degree Waiting list
89 113FMIMPISA_ICD1303 Sulabh M. International Master Program in Information Systems and Applications (IMPISA Program-ICDF) Master Degree Waiting list
90 113FMIMPISA_ICD1347 Tjheane C.L. International Master Program in Information Systems and Applications (IMPISA Program-ICDF) Master Degree Waiting list
91 113FMIMPISA_ICD1378 JENNIFER M.L. International Master Program in Information Systems and Applications (IMPISA Program-ICDF) Master Degree Waiting list
92 113FMIMPISA_ICD1734 TANISHA S. International Master Program in Information Systems and Applications (IMPISA Program-ICDF) Master Degree Accepted
93 113FMIAAS0894 Sebastian J.W. Institute of Anthropology (English-taught Master’s Program in Austronesian Studies) Master Degree Accepted
94 113FMIAAS1102 Samuel J.H. Institute of Anthropology (English-taught Master’s Program in Austronesian Studies) Master Degree Accepted
95 113FMIAAS1233 Kallen J.B. Institute of Anthropology (English-taught Master’s Program in Austronesian Studies) Master Degree Accepted
96 113FMISS1534 NGUYEN T.L. Institute of Sinophone Studies Master Degree Accepted
97 113FMIMBA0044 Dung D.Q.T. International Master of Business Administration Master Degree Accepted
98 113FMIMBA0057 Linh V.T.N. International Master of Business Administration Master Degree Waiting list
99 113FMIMBA0096 Sawanya T. International Master of Business Administration Master Degree Waiting list
100 113FMIMBA0128 Kim M.H. International Master of Business Administration Master Degree Accepted
101 113FMIMBA0183 Sirintra V. International Master of Business Administration Master Degree Waiting list
102 113FMIMBA0240 LINH P.N. International Master of Business Administration Master Degree Accepted
103 113FMIMBA0261 Uyen P.H.D.D. International Master of Business Administration Master Degree Waiting list
104 113FMIMBA0523 Jessica L. International Master of Business Administration Master Degree Waiting list
105 113FMIMBA0331 Panupong R. International Master of Business Administration Master Degree Accepted
106 113FMIMBA0370 Sang N.T.N. International Master of Business Administration Master Degree Waiting list
107 113FMIMBA0396 Marc F.G.M. International Master of Business Administration Master Degree Accepted
108 113FMIMBA0420 NGUYỄN H.N. International Master of Business Administration Master Degree Waiting list
109 113FMIMBA0421 Gerry W.S. International Master of Business Administration Master Degree Waiting list
110 113FMIMBA0474 Ani R. International Master of Business Administration Master Degree Waiting list
111 113FMIMBA0507 Beatriz N.D.L.C.T. International Master of Business Administration Master Degree Waiting list
112 113FMIMBA0512 Ekarat T. International Master of Business Administration Master Degree Waiting list
113 113FMIMBA0515 SASAKORN L. International Master of Business Administration Master Degree Waiting list
114 113FMIMBA0542 Hai T.L. International Master of Business Administration Master Degree Accepted
115 113FMIMBA0599 Ma. K.P.S.J. International Master of Business Administration Master Degree Accepted
116 113FMIMBA0619 Natasha A. International Master of Business Administration Master Degree Waiting list
117 113FMIMBA0621 NGỌC M.. International Master of Business Administration Master Degree Waiting list
118 113FMIMBA0655 John L.T.S. International Master of Business Administration Master Degree Waiting list
119 113FMIMBA0735 Oswin G. International Master of Business Administration Master Degree Accepted
120 113FMIMBA0713 Fernando M. International Master of Business Administration Master Degree Waiting list
121 113FMIMBA0745 Veerisa S. International Master of Business Administration Master Degree Accepted
122 113FMIMBA0746 Jutamas M. International Master of Business Administration Master Degree Accepted
123 113FMIMBA0797 FINNA I. International Master of Business Administration Master Degree Waiting list
124 113FMIMBA0844 Darlene L.L. International Master of Business Administration Master Degree Waiting list
125 113FMIMBA0846 THY M.P. International Master of Business Administration Master Degree Accepted
126 113FMIMBA0870 Stella M.K. International Master of Business Administration Master Degree Waiting list
127 113FMIMBA0873 Sarah L.A.G. International Master of Business Administration Master Degree Accepted
128 113FMIMBA0932 Nuttida S. International Master of Business Administration Master Degree Accepted
129 113FMIMBA0938 Aunthichada J. International Master of Business Administration Master Degree Waiting list
130 113FMIMBA1022 NITIYA A. International Master of Business Administration Master Degree Waiting list
131 113FMIMBA1054 Arina F.S. International Master of Business Administration Master Degree Accepted
132 113FMIMBA1062 HYERIN K. International Master of Business Administration Master Degree Accepted
133 113FMIMBA1077 Arda O. International Master of Business Administration Master Degree Accepted
134 113FMIMBA1097 Martha E. International Master of Business Administration Master Degree Waiting list
135 113FMIMBA1158 Michael B.T. International Master of Business Administration Master Degree Waiting list
136 113FMIMBA1173 Chutirada M. International Master of Business Administration Master Degree Waiting list
137 113FMIMBA1194 Pemika Y. International Master of Business Administration Master Degree Waiting list
138 113FMIMBA1240 Siwakorn H. International Master of Business Administration Master Degree Waiting list
139 113FMIMBA1251 Ngo T.M.D. International Master of Business Administration Master Degree Waiting list
140 113FMIMBA1319 Linh T.M.N. International Master of Business Administration Master Degree Waiting list
141 113FMIMBA1337 Tram T.Q.V. International Master of Business Administration Master Degree Waiting list
142 113FMIMBA1343 Christinne J.L. International Master of Business Administration Master Degree Accepted
143 113FMIMBA1344 Renuka K. International Master of Business Administration Master Degree Accepted
144 113FMIMBA1368 Sharon A. International Master of Business Administration Master Degree Waiting list
145 113FMIMBA1372 Stevanny B.W. International Master of Business Administration Master Degree Waiting list
146 113FMIMBA1442 DAMRONG T. International Master of Business Administration Master Degree Accepted
147 113FMIMBA1459 Thuy T.N. International Master of Business Administration Master Degree Waiting list
148 113FMIMBA1518 Natya N. International Master of Business Administration Master Degree Waiting list
149 113FMIMBA1546 Ngoc P.L.P. International Master of Business Administration Master Degree Accepted
150 113FMIMBA1573 Tran T.A.Q. International Master of Business Administration Master Degree Waiting list
151 113FMIMBA1586 ROMA S. International Master of Business Administration Master Degree Waiting list
152 113FMIMBA1596 Hien T.T.L. International Master of Business Administration Master Degree Waiting list
153 113FMIMBA1598 TRANG T.V. International Master of Business Administration Master Degree Waiting list
154 113FMIMBA1620 Minh P.P. International Master of Business Administration Master Degree Waiting list
155 113FMIMBA1658 Phichayud K. International Master of Business Administration Master Degree Waiting list
156 113FMIMBA1689 Su C.P. International Master of Business Administration Master Degree Waiting list
157 113FMIMBA_ICDF0043 Dung D.Q.T. International MBA in Technology Management (TaiwanICDF) Master Degree Waiting list
158 113FMIMBA_ICDF0127 Kim M.H. International MBA in Technology Management (TaiwanICDF) Master Degree Waiting list
159 113FMIMBA_ICDF0220 Mave K.A. International MBA in Technology Management (TaiwanICDF) Master Degree Accepted
160 113FMIMBA_ICDF0232 Phat C.N. International MBA in Technology Management (TaiwanICDF) Master Degree Waiting list
161 113FMIMBA_ICDF0239 LINH P.N. International MBA in Technology Management (TaiwanICDF) Master Degree Accepted
162 113FMIMBA_ICDF0284 Temuge G. International MBA in Technology Management (TaiwanICDF) Master Degree Accepted
163 113FMIMBA_ICDF0394 Linh D.T. International MBA in Technology Management (TaiwanICDF) Master Degree Waiting list
164 113FMIMBA_ICDF0395 Marc F.G.M. International MBA in Technology Management (TaiwanICDF) Master Degree Waiting list
165 113FMIMBA_ICDF0470 Kyle D.R. International MBA in Technology Management (TaiwanICDF) Master Degree Accepted
166 113FMIMBA_ICDF0533 Sophia T.S.H. International MBA in Technology Management (TaiwanICDF) Master Degree Accepted
167 113FMIMBA_ICDF0620 NGỌC M.. International MBA in Technology Management (TaiwanICDF) Master Degree Waiting list
168 113FMIMBA_ICDF0635 Pelin B. International MBA in Technology Management (TaiwanICDF) Master Degree Waiting list
169 113FMIMBA_ICDF0654 John L.T.S. International MBA in Technology Management (TaiwanICDF) Master Degree Waiting list
170 113FMIMBA_ICDF0763 ZAHARA C.Z. International MBA in Technology Management (TaiwanICDF) Master Degree Accepted
171 113FMIMBA_ICDF0845 THY M.P. International MBA in Technology Management (TaiwanICDF) Master Degree Waiting list
172 113FMIMBA_ICDF1209 Gim G.L. International MBA in Technology Management (TaiwanICDF) Master Degree Waiting list
173 113FMIMBA_ICDF1377 Nsika P.M. International MBA in Technology Management (TaiwanICDF) Master Degree Waiting list
174 113FMIMBA_ICDF1403 Dale J.B. International MBA in Technology Management (TaiwanICDF) Master Degree Accepted
175 113FMIMBA_ICDF1441 DAMRONG T. International MBA in Technology Management (TaiwanICDF) Master Degree Accepted
176 113FMIIP_TCS0002 PHAN T.T.P. MA in Teaching Chinese as a Second/Foreign Language Master Degree Accepted
177 113FMIIP_TCS0282 Le T.H. MA in Teaching Chinese as a Second/Foreign Language Master Degree Accepted
178 113FMIIP_TCS0710 CUC P.H. MA in Teaching Chinese as a Second/Foreign Language Master Degree Accepted
179 113FMIIP_TCS0760 Anh Q.N. MA in Teaching Chinese as a Second/Foreign Language Master Degree Accepted
180 113FMIIP_TCS1283 Kiet T.L. MA in Teaching Chinese as a Second/Foreign Language Master Degree Accepted
181 113FMIIP_TCS1576 HAU H.Y. MA in Teaching Chinese as a Second/Foreign Language Master Degree Accepted
182 113FMIIP_TCS1456 Linh T.N. MA in Teaching Chinese as a Second/Foreign Language Master Degree Accepted
183 113FMIIP_TCS1472 Masayo Y. MA in Teaching Chinese as a Second/Foreign Language Master Degree Accepted
184 113FMIIP_TCS1611 HSU M.K. MA in Teaching Chinese as a Second/Foreign Language Master Degree Accepted
185 113FMIIP_TCS1712 Nguyen N.T. MA in Teaching Chinese as a Second/Foreign Language Master Degree Accepted
186 113FDEST0490 Van T.N. International Ph. D. Program in Environmental Science and Technology Doctor Degree Accepted
187 113FMIIS0558 Murad E. Institute of Information Security Master Degree Accepted
188 113FMIIS0805 Gideon L. Institute of Information Security Master Degree Accepted
189 113FDICI0987 Chia N.L. International Intercollegiate Ph.D. Program (General Section) Doctor Degree Accepted
190 113FDBAI1066 Dawood R. Ph.D. Program in Biomedical Artificial Intelligence Doctor Degree Accepted
191 113FDBAI1374 Aquib R. Ph.D. Program in Biomedical Artificial Intelligence Doctor Degree Accepted
192 113FMITM0422 HUE P.L. Institute of Technology Management Master Degree Accepted
193 113FMITM0707 Austin J.H. Institute of Technology Management Master Degree Accepted
194 113FDCOSR0097 Nhu L.P.T. College of Semiconductor Research Doctor Degree Accepted
195 113FDCOSR0685 Sy-Wei H. College of Semiconductor Research Doctor Degree Accepted
196 113FMCOSR0783 Rahul S. College of Semiconductor Research Master Degree Accepted
197 113FMCOSR1685 V S.R. College of Semiconductor Research Master Degree Accepted
198 113FDCOSR1699 Tathagata R. College of Semiconductor Research Doctor Degree Accepted
199 113FMCLCUL0808 Pannaporn K. Master Degree Program in Chinese Language and Culture Master Degree Accepted
200 113FMCLCUL0857 Suong T.T.D. Master Degree Program in Chinese Language and Culture Master Degree Accepted
201 113FMCLCUL0890 LIU J.T. Master Degree Program in Chinese Language and Culture Master Degree Accepted
202 113FMCLCUL0950 SAI L.O. Master Degree Program in Chinese Language and Culture Master Degree Accepted
203 113FMCLCUL1274 Aliaksandra S. Master Degree Program in Chinese Language and Culture Master Degree Accepted
204 113FMCLCUL1558 Nhi N.Y.D. Master Degree Program in Chinese Language and Culture Master Degree Accepted
205 113FMCLCUL1680 FUKI S. Master Degree Program in Chinese Language and Culture Master Degree Accepted